Alright, so first off, what a wicked storm that was. Mermaids are nasty little creatures, and as Regina said, "Filet the bitch!" That was some crazy girl fight that broke out. Then, to have Hook and Charming fight. Oh and when Emma jumped off the ship, then proceeded to get knocked out by something that fell off the I was freaking. out. Baelfire is totally rocking the magic thing. I'm so relieved that he's alive. He is Emma's true love fo sho. Rumpelstiltskin is effing amazing! With him, everything is possible. These six legends are gonna kick some Neverland ass. Kudos, to ole Rumpel for volunteering to help rescue Henry. Old Peter Pan pulled a fast one on us. How dare he take Henry. The real question is, why does he want Henry? Henry is the truest believer, but why would Pan need him? Pan already believes in all of this.
Let me know what you think in the comments. Until the next episode, goodbye dearies.
xoxo, Shelbs <3